API Documentation
Returns balance and unconfirmed amount(Amount waiting 2 confirmations) of multiple addresses/xpubs. Balance units are in satoshis. This request requires an API Key set in the request header. For multiple addresses use space (+ or %20) as a separator
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/balance?addr=<Whitespace seperated list of bitcoin addresses/xpubs>
Example Request
curl https://www.blockonomics.co/api/balance?addr=1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp+1dice97ECuByXAvqXpaYzSaQuPVvrtmz6
Example Response
{"response": [{"confirmed": 189412205, "addr": "1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp", "unconfirmed": 012211 }, {"confirmed": 746599881, "addr": "1dice97ECuByXAvqXpaYzSaQuPVvrtmz6", "unconfirmed": 0}]}
Returns transaction history of multiple bitcoin addresses/xpubs considering them part of the same wallet. For each transaction, the following paramters are returned:
- unix timestamp
- txid
- net value transacted from wallet in satoshis
- subset of address involved in transaction
Transactions are sorted by latest time and a limit of 200 transactions are returned. Pending transactions (having less than 2 confirmations) are returned in pending dict with status.
Status codes: 0 - Unconfirmed, 1 - Partially Confirmed
This request requires an API Key set in the request header
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/searchhistory
Request body: {"addr": <Whitespace seperated list of bitcoin addresses/xpubs>}
Example Request
curl -d '{"addr":"1JJ5taVeiHcD6DXNkLLfocbHcE9Nzio1qV, 13A1W4jLPP75pzvn2qJ5KyyqG3qPSpb9jM"}'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
Example Response
{"pending": [{"status": 1, "addr": ["1JJ5taVeiHcD6DXNkLLfocbHcE9Nzio1qV"], "time": 1443423780, "value": 497100500, "txid": "5e4e03748327a22288623b02dab1721ac9f8082c7294aaa7f9581be49dced2c5"}], "history": [{"time": 1231660825, "addr": ["13A1W4jLPP75pzvn2qJ5KyyqG3qPSpb9jM"], "value": 5000000000, "txid": "2d05f0c9c3e1c226e63b5fac240137687544cf631cd616fd34fd188fc9020866"}]}
Transaction Detail
Returns detail of input transaction id. A list of transaction inputs and outputs are returned. Time is the received unix timestamp of transaction, value is the amount of transaction input/output in satoshis, fee is the transaction fees in satoshis, size is the transaction size in bytes. For unconfirmed transactions an RBF attribute may be returned.
rbf of value 1 means Opted-In RBF signalling
rbf of value 2 means rbf due to inherited signalling (ancestor transaction has RBF flag)
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/tx_detail?txid=<txid>
Example Request
Example Response
{"status": "Confirmed", "fee": 100000, "vout": [{"value": 10000, "address": "1FnQjXQc8F6jyjF8L92yLpnMhSWpw8t8jo"}, {"value": 4824404598, "address": "1AEgdWjJrEbroURgWmPrXkFdzxGxdF7c4G"}, {"value": 899950000, "address": "33wBKF7y471qK9zuWQDHbesnGX8JL5YCbW"}], "vin": [{"value": 5724464598, "address": "1AEgdWjJrEbroURgWmPrXkFdzxGxdF7c4G"}], "time": 1577166893, "size": 257}
Transaction Receipt
Transaction receipt is an easy to share permalink for any bitcoin transaction/payment. User addresses' in the transaction are highlighted and net amount is calculated accordingly
https://www.blockonomics.co/api/tx?txid=<txid>&addr=<list of user addreses>
For same transaction, here is the payer receipt and here is the payee receipt
You can query max 100 addresses at a time. For higher number you should upgrade your plan and set your API Key in HTTP authorization header. Please limit API calls to 2 requests/min. Higher rates can lead to banning of your IP. Bitcoin blocks only arrive at an average rate of once in 10 minutes. So querying multiple times a second won't return you any new data. For realtime transaction updates on address, use our websocket API.
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Wallets & Stores
You can work with your wallets in Blockonomics with the Wallets API, including creating, retrieving, updating & deleting. In GET request, you can use balance=true to retrieve wallet balance as well.
You can expect a standardized wallet object working with wallet endpoints
- id - Unique identified of the wallet
- name - Given name
- emailid - Email of the wallet owner
- crypto - Cryptocurrency of the wallet
- address - Address of the wallet
- xpub_index - The current xpub index for BTC wallet
- gap_limit - The gap limit for BTC wallet
- created_at - Datetime of the wallet creation
If you have requested the wallet with balance, you can expect a balance object attached to the wallet object
- confirmed_sats
- unconfirmed_sats
- confirmed_fiat
- unconfirmed_fiat
- fiat_currency
- total_addresses
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/wallets
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/wallets
Request body: {"name":<Name of wallet for identification>,"address": <Xpub address>, "crypto":<type of crypto, only BTC accepted now>}
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/wallets/{id}?balance=true
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/wallets/{id}
Request body: { "name": <New name>, "gap_limit": <gap limit>}
DELETE https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/wallets/{id}
Example Request
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "new wallet name", "gap_limit": 500}'
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
Example Response
{ "data": [ { "id": 88, "name": "My Wallet", "emailid": "youremail@mail.com", "crypto": "BTC", "address": "vpub5ZChrqCCu9GuMccp7RsasDB9CcTrHqMGYJZ5WfHWquMtretu2p6QctKAAkyvStgxCMGVycC7Py7C9pz8UeLT9p85CHbacL3sEn3THtEit9t", "xpub_index": 1, "gap_limit": 20} ] }
{"data": { "id": 88, "name": "My Wallet", "emailid": "youremail@mail.com", "crypto": "BTC", "address": "vpub5ZChrqCCu9GuMccp7RsasDB9CcTrHqMGYJZ5WfHWquMtretu2p6QctKAAkyvStgxCMGVycC7Py7C9pz8UeLT9p85CHbacL3sEn3THtEit9t", "xpub_index": 1, "gap_limit": 20}}
The Stores API lets you interact with all your stores, including creating, retrieving, updating & deleting, as well as attaching wallets to a store. You can use the parameter wallets=true with the Stores endpoint to retrieve the attached wallets of the stores.
You can expect a standardized store object working with store endpoints
- id - Unique identified of the store
- name - Given name
- emailid - Email of the store owner
- http_callback - Callback URL of the store
You can expect a list of wallet objects if you have made request to the stores with the wallets parameter.
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores
Request body: {"name":<Name of store>,"http_callback": <URL of HTTP callback>}
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores/{id}
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores/{id}
Request body: {"name":<Name of store>,"http_callback": <URL of HTTP callback>}
DELETE https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores/{id}
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores/{id}/wallets
Attach / Detach Wallets
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores/{id}/wallets
Request body: { "wallet_id": <id of wallet to attach>}
DELETE https://www.blockonomics.co/api/v2/stores/{id}/wallets/{id}
Example Request
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "new store name", "http_callback": "https://newcallbackhost.com/callback"}'
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
Example Response
{"data": [{"id": 88, "emailid": "youremail@mail.com", "name": "Store name", "http_callback": "https://www.yourhost.com/callback", "wallets": [{"id": 37, "name": "My Wallet", "emailid": "youremail@mail.com", "crypto": "BTC", "address": "vpub5ZChrqCCu9GuMccp7RsasDB9CcTrHqMGYJZ5WfHWquMtretu2p6QctKAAkyvStgxCMGVycC7Py7C9pz8UeLT9p85CHbacL3sEn3THtEit9t", "xpub_index": 1, "gap_limit": null}]}]}
Basic Info
Using payments API you can easily receive bitcoin payments on your custom website. Payments go directly to your bitcoin wallet. To get registered click on Get Started For Free on Merchants Page. Feel free to consult below resources:
New Address
This will return a new address from your wallet to which the payer must send the payment. This call will increment index on server, so that each time you get a new address. To reset index you can use parameter reset=1. This will not increment index and will keep giving last generated address. It is useful for testing purposes.
If you have multiple xpubs under same emailid, you can choose the source Xpub (wallet) using the parameter match_callback. This will match given string within your stores and find attached Xpub (wallet)
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/new_address
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/new_address?reset=1
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/new_address?match_callback=www.example.com
Example Request
curl -d '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
curl -d '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
curl -d '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU'
Example Response
{"address": "14gaB2Xb7T1gGx65Sy2vdP37oU2TrJHWAA"}
{"address": "13C84DfUxXWsbi5haUc1uYacP9DmXg6bsc", "reset": 1}
{"address": "13C84DfUxXWsbi5haUc1uYacP9DmXg6bsc", "account": "xpub6D9qFCtaxyyP3aAMy..."}
Http Callback
Blockonomics will send http callback for payments on your address. For each callback following parameters are returned:
- status is the status of transaction. 0-Unconfirmed, 1-Partially Confirmed, 2-Confirmed
- addr is the receiving address
- value is the recevied payment amount in satoshis
- txid is the id of the paying transaction
- For unconfirmed transactions an rbf attribute may be returned
A callback succeeds when the server returns 200 HTTP status. Callback are retried 7 times with an exponential backoff of 4 seconds. Use Dashboard > Stores to configure callback for your server. Your callback url can also contain a secret paramater for additional security.
Warning about zero confirmations: It is always recommended to wait for atleast one confirmation to deliver your product/service. Sometimes you may want to accept zero confirmation for fast delivery of digital goods. In such cases you should reject unconfirmed payments that have rbf attribute. This is because RBF payments can be easily cancelled or reversed
Example Callback
/api/callback_url?status=0&addr=1C3FrYaGgUJ8R21jJcwzryQQUFCWFpwcrL&value=10000&txid=4cb3 0849ffcaf61c0e97e8351cca2a32722ceb6ad5f34e630b4acb7c6dc1e73b&rbf=1
Payment Notification
Use this to get realtime notification of payment on your bitcoin address (suitable for client side/browser notification). Parameters: addr is your bitcoin address. A websocket message is returned on successful payment containing the following fields:
- status is the status of transaction. 0-Unconfirmed, 1-Partially Confirmed, 2-Confirmed
- timestamp is the unix timestamp of transaction
- value is the recevied payment amount in satoshis
- txid is the id of the paying transaction
Websocket connection to wss://www.blockonomics.co/payment/<addr>
Example Request
var wsuri = "wss://www.blockonomics.co/payment/189CEMECgP36iXpCKQoBbRQn3dTCUPi5dm"
Example Response
{"status": 0, "timestamp": 1470371749, "value": 167377096, "txid": "aed36253434b90e45ded86ccf1729f5d2acd78bd7665c54e62d5000035a8f6d8"}
BTC Price
You can use this endpoint to fetch the current bitcoin to fiat price. Our prices are same as that of BitPay. We support all major fiat currencies. Here is the list of currency codes supported
GET https://www.blockonomics.co/api/price?currency=<currency_code>
Example Request
curl https://www.blockonomics.co/api/price?currency=EUR
Example Response
{"price": 7866.85}
Payment Buttons
Below are various API endpoints to get information about orders generated using payment buttons.To use any of these, you need to first create payment buttons at Dashboard > Buttons & links > Products > Add a Product. In the below requests you have to set apikey as the Authorization header of the request.
Get Order
Returns detail of payment button order. uuid is the unique identifier of the order.
GET /api/merchant_order/<uuid>
Get Order List
Returns list of all payment button orders in descending order of time. You can use limit to restrict the number of records (Default is 500).
GET /api/merchant_orders?limit=<number>
Order Hook
Each new/updated order will be notified using the order hook url. This url can be configured in Blockonomic's Dashboard (Dashboard->Buttons & links->Options>Order Hook URL)
Example callback from server
Status Values:
- -1 : PAYMENT_ERROR (Happens when Paid BTC amount is not matching expected value)
- 0 : UNPAID
- 2 : PAID
Checkouts - Temp Products
Checkouts provide a dynamic way to collect charge from customers and add custom data to your products. This is achieved by creating temporary products via API which can be shown via payment button/link/widget. Few points about temp products:
- Temp product by default inherits all fields from its parent product. You can create a parent product via Buttons
- Temp products are automatically deleted after 7 days. Note that orders received via the temp product will still remain in the system
POST https://www.blockonomics.co/api/create_temp_product
Request body: {"parent_uid":<uid of parent product>,"product_name"(Optional): <name>, "product_description"(Optional):<description>, "value"(Optional):<price of product>, "extra_data"(Optional): <custom data>}
Headers: {Authorization: Bearer APIKey}
Example1 (Cart Checkout)
You have a custom website / e-commerce store. On checkout you want the customer to pay the cart value in bitcoin
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU' -d'{"parent_uid": "b5c04c7c395011ea", "product_name": "Order #412", "product_description": "1 Red T-shirt\n2 Khaki Trousers", "value":500}'
Example2 (Customized Product)
Create a customized product of the selected color/addons
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU' -d'{"parent_uid": "b5c04c7c395011ea", "product_description":"Redmi 32GB (Yellow)": "value": 412}'
Example3 (Attach custom data)
Attach customer userid/special notes to product
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2cDNOlCN985d7Rx3atSDOlmMeYaxzho2uPmHheIw4eU' -d'{"parent_uid": "b5c04c7c395011ea", "extra_data":"user_id-19120"}'
Displaying Checkout
API will return a temp product uid like this f7570454529a11e7-1ee5f340. You can set this uid to a payment button/link/widget
Payment Button
<a> href="" class="blockoPayBtn" data-toggle="modal" data-uid="f7570454529a11e7-1ee5f340"><img width=160 src="https://www.blockonomics.co/img/pay_with_bitcoin_medium.png"></a>
Payment Link
<a> href="" class="blockoPayBtn" data-toggle="modal" data-uid="f7570454529a11e7-1ee5f340"><img width=160 src="https://www.blockonomics.co/img/pay_with_bitcoin_medium.png"></a>
Payment Widget
<script src="https://blockonomics.co/js/pay_widget.js"></script><script> function pay() { Blockonomics.widget({ msg_area: 'payment_area', uid: 'f7570454529a11e7-1ee5f340', email: 'customer@email.com' }); }
Sending Bitcoin
We provide a self hosting free to use wallet service that you can deploy and use for sending bitcoin. Here are the details:
Test Payments
You can test payment integration without spending any bitcoins! By using Test Bench, you can simulate test payments to your bitcoin address. These test payment notifications are send from our server (following API format), but not actually sent to the bitcoin network.
USDT Payments
The Blockonomics API allows merchants to accept USDT payments directly into their USDT wallet. It enables payment creation, payment display, transaction monitoring, and confirmation tracking.
Setup your USDT Wallet and Store in the Blockonomics Dashboard.
1. Create Payment
To fetch the USDT payment address for your store, use thenew_address
: The cryptocurrency to use (USDT)match_callback
: String to match part of your callback URL.
2. Display Payment
To display the wallet connection and handle USDT payments, use the Web3 Payment Element. Customize the attributes as needed to integrate with your checkout flow.order_amount
: The amount of USDT to payreceive_address
: Your USDT receiving addressredirect_url
: URL to redirect upon paymenttestnet
: The network to use (0 = mainnet, 1 = sepolia testnet)
Once the payment is completed, the user will be redirected to the
containing the transaction hash (txhash).3. Monitor Transaction
After receiving the transaction hash, use themonitor_tx
endpoint to begin tracking the transaction.
: The received transaction hashcrypto
: The cryptocurrency used (USDT)match_callback
: String to match part of your callback URL.testnet
: Indicates if the transaction is on the testnet (0 = mainnet, 1 = sepolia testnet)
4. Callback Notification
Once the payment is confirmed, a callback request is sent to your specified callback URL with the transaction details.txid
: The transaction ID/Hashaddr
: Your USDT receive addressvalue
: The USDT amount in smallest units (6 decimals). For example,value=1000000
corresponds to 1 USDTstatus
: The transaction status (0 = unconfirmed, 1 = partially confirmed, 2 = confirmed)secret
: Security secretcrypto
: The cryptocurrency used (USDT)testnet
: Indicates if the transaction is on the testnet (0 = mainnet, 1 = sepolia testnet)
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